Brass Mouthpiece 101

7C, 5C, 3C—what do these numbers and letters mean? Good question. The number indicates the diameter of the mouthpiece cup and the letter refers to the cup’s depth. The higher the number, the smaller the mouthpiece diameter is. The closer to "A" in the alphabet the deeper the cup is. Therefore a B cup is deeper than a C cup. A shallow cup will allow for a brighter sound and easier upper register and a deeper cup offers a richer tone but can be more taxing to a players embouchure.

We suggest beginning students start on a 7C mouthpiece!

What other questions do you have about brass mouthpieces?!


The Selmer TS711!

The Selmer TS711 Tenor Sax is a great and affordable option for any student or beginning player.

This tenor is designed for ease of play—comfortable hand position, specific bore design. And with its craftsmanship focused on durability, it’s sure to be played for a very long time!

Stop by our Troy store to check it out or give it a honk!
